22 March 2010

Back in DC and missing NOLA

Hello! I realize it has been a while since my last post. Craziness, insanity, and happiness has gotten in the way of my blogging. Here is what has happened since my last post.

In knitting news, the Owls sweater is still sitting around. It's finished, but I still haven't blocked it or sewn the eyes on. I still need to figure out how to block the shoulders so the back isn't so puffy. Everything else fits perfectly, and I really, REALLY don't want to frog the whole yoke/upper back.

I also went to the Homespun Yarn Party yesterday, which was pretty amazing. I made it out with only 3 skeins of yarn and 5 bars of soap. I LOVE the tequila soap I bought. Its lime and salt "flavored". It smells delicious. I even bought a bar to support DBF's soap addiction. It's called "Bark" and has a nice ceder smell.

On the school front, I finished a SLEW of papers by the 11th. It was a marathon. I don't think I properly slept for a week. Then after that I had to spend the 12th in the Archives until I had to catch my train for the last/most awesomely exciting adventure of my blog hiatus.

I went to New Orleans with DBF!! It was amazing! We had a WONDERFUL time. I am going to keep an eye out for any museum jobs in the area. I LOVED the whole area (with exception to Bourbon Street, which was insane, surreal, and filthy) and especially loved the Garden District, which was where we were staying.

We had awesome food, went to awesome areas, and saw awesome things while we were there. My highlights were walking Magazine Street, Jackson Square, the area around the French Market, the small garden center we went to near the French Market (DBF probably remembers the name), the WWII Museum, and the Audubon Zoo. There is so much more that I absolutely loved. Too much to list here. It was amazing.

After the Archives I went to the train station. The train pulled out at 4:00 pm. I arrived at midnight and DBF and I got dinner and killed some time before we went to sit at the airport until our plane left at 7:00am. We got into New Orleans around 11:00am and his sister picked us up. We got there in time to put our stuff down and head out to the St. Patrick's Day parade on Magazine Street. After an hour of walking through the crowds we decided to go back to the house and relax before the actual parade started. He slept for an hour before I passed out. I didn't wake up until 7:00pm. We missed the parade, but I felt much, much better from that point.

The rest of the trip went so fast, but it was so much fun. It was nice to spend so much time with DBF. We usually only see each other once a month. A full week of constant interaction was refreshing. We walked a lot, saw so many sights, ate wonderful food, and worked on his sisters yard. It reminded me how much I love gardening.

We met up with some old friends from college that live in the area. It was nice to reconnect. I was roommates with one of them for years and it has been ages since we've seen each other. I knew these friends have been dating, but just found out they were engaged. It's crazy. I remember when we were in college and we would talk about how it was so weird to think of being in that kind of relationship and how we were so against kids, and how we couldn't believe people we knew that were getting engaged, married, or starting families. Now we're those people. Shes engaged, we both are no longer revolted- and kind of look forward to having kids, and I find myself more and more alright with the idea of having someone in my life that I can depend on in that role.

We came back on Saturday. I would have loved another 2 weeks there. We did a lot in the week we were there, but it was so nice, I'd have loved more time. Its a little weird to be by myself again and have DBF 300 miles away. Going into the trip I was a little bit afraid that it would be hard because of the usual distance between us. Like I would have a hard time being around him 24/7, but I really think the whole trip helped me a lot. I am a bit lonely now, but I feel even closer to DBF than before. I realize its a little weird, I never thought I would be that person who really wants to be with someone that much, but I am. I don't know what to do about it. Deep down I think I really want to be that person. I want a life with DBF, our dogs, a garden, some chickens, a good job, and the ability to start a family.

That derailed a little bit. The moral of the story is I had a WONDERFUL time in New Orleans, and cannot wait to go back. I miss the sunshine and company, but I'm happy, and I am going to try to get back into the swing of things today. I cannot wait for grad school to end, and I hope I can find a job in the New Orleans area (or really just somewhere nice) that I will love. The trip laid the ground work for a lot of day dreaming.

28 February 2010

"Priceline Negotiator!"

So Shatner just helped me buy tickets to New Orleans for spring break. Which, while exceptionally infuriating and time consuming during the purchase process, is uber exciting! However...and I truly hate that there is a "however" to this situation... I was informed (not surprisingly) by my mother that she does not approve of me going to New Orleans with my boyfriend (henceforth DBF) of nearly 2 years to visit his sister for a week and not have to pay for a hotel.

The option that she feels I should take involves me going to the house I grew up in (and generally visit on every break from school I can afford) and sit around the house (like I always do). Liberal doses of guilt are involved. Which yes, while I do feel bad that I'm not spending that time with them, I have to think realistically. I spent all of the past breaks I could at home with them since I started grad school.

So instead of that option I told DBF to ask his sister if she would mind visitors. She lives in New Orleans, like IN New Orleans, not by, not near, IN. Soooo, for the price of transportation (which may end up not being as terrible as I thought it was going to be if I get a nice priceline representative on the phone tomorrow) I get to see New Orleans, which according to weather.com feels a solid 12 degrees warmer right now. WAY exciting.

Its really disappointing that my Mom acts like this. I am in my mid-20's, in grad school, and never ask for anything. She constantly tells me about how her coworkers kids are all barefoot and pregnant, on meth, have huge credit card debts, and continue to live their lives. I on the other hand cannot go on a vacation with the guy I've been in a monogamous relationship with for well over a year and a half. On the third hand, she is 50 and doesn't travel with her BF of...16 years?

I think its kind of sad really. I understand that she lives with my grandmother, but honestly, she needs to get out and live her life. It's time. I feel like if I don't get out and do things like this from time to time I'm not living my life as I should. I feel that if I spend more time trying to keep everyone happy than I already do I have no time for myself. 97% of my time is spent trying to make someone happy, as my 1 follower knows all too well, and I stress far more than I should, but sometimes I really feel like I need to do something for me. Its not often, but sometimes it just has to be done. I'm quite sure that my family would prefer if I splurged on $100 of yarn rather than took a trip to New Orleans, but honestly, I wouldn't do that. I can sometimes justify spending on travel.

In case you don't know, I LOVE the South. I have only been to the South a few times, and never for very long, but (with exception to Texas- due to 70 mile trips to anything) I have always really liked the South. I like the weather, I like the speed, I like the way people don't ignore you so they don't have to deal with you. (Example- I have no idea who my neighbors are. None. I live in a small development and couldn't tell you one name. I think that's really sad.) Plus I really love space. My dream is to have a garden and animals. Nothing huge. Just the ability to walk outside, sit in the shade of an old tree, knit and watch my garden grow. I realize it isn't realistic to think that this IS the South, but that is what the South is to me. My ideal life is set in the South.

I feel I'm starting to ramble. I realized I'm much more tired than I thought I was. I don't have a huge amount of work left to do, but it is substantial. This weekend has been a bit exhausting. I will probably get up earlier than necessary tomorrow morning to finish as soon as possible.

Needless to say the sweater was not finished by the close of the Olympics, but I am actually ok with it. I'm actually pretty proud of where I am with it with the work I've had to do during the past few weeks. the 2nd sleeve is almost finished, I will have to back out and re-knit 1 row from the body and the other sleeve to make grafting easier, and the only thing left is the yolk. Probably only a few hours work to finish it up. Maybe I will finish at knitting on Wednesday.

Goodnight all, sleep sweet!

26 February 2010

Facebook meets Monster

So, who out there has heard of LinkedIn? I got an email about this site ages ago and created an account on a whim to see what it was. It's been sitting, stagnant for months. So today I decided that since I obviously have acres of free time (oh how I wish this was true) I would mess with it a bit and try to update certain parts of my profile. Then I realized that I really don't know what to say about myself and what I do at all. I feel like my whole profile is a series of bullet points.

-data entry into KeEMu database
-scanning of images of specimens from Operation Crossroads (1946-47)
-creation of archival (tiff) and diminutive (jpeg) files
-blah blah blah, blah blah

While I find this whole social networking/job search scenario interesting. I like the concept, but I am not sure how effective this will actually be in the long run. But what can it hurt? It seems like a fairly useful tool, and if it doesn't actually end up getting me a job, at least I can ask other people about museums in their areas. Much better than cold calling a museum out of the blue, at least in my case. Now I just need to get over my bullet point issue.

In other news. I have the cuff finished on my second sleeve! I'd have more done if I hadn't left the needles I need for the main section of the sleeve at the house yesterday. But I'll have some time while I'm on public transit today and tomorrow.

So now that I have this bit of internet procrastination out of my system (I swear, I was working before I stopped for the LinkedIn break!) I am off to research, dig through collections, and rewrite, rewrite, rewrite.

Wish me luck!

25 February 2010

Beginning at the Beginning

Hello blog readers of the world! I'm not sure how you found me, but welcome. This is my first post. I will probably have a slow start, but I am looking forward to starting this. My main ambition is to get used to blogging for a project I am working on. I will have to create a number of posts to be uploaded on a regular basis over a year long museum exhibition. I'm so excited to have this project go live, but I'm a bit concerned about my lack of blogging experience. So in preparation, I will blog about my life. It will mostly involve my knitting addiction, the status of my various projects, and interesting tidbits that I would like to share. Feedback is welcome and appreciated. I hate to think I will be writing blogs for public consumption that will be awful. So here goes.

I am in my mid-twenty's, a full time student in Museum Studies and work in a Natural History museum in the United States. I am working in conjunction with the institutions library department on an exhibit for the museum lobby that will go up in November for 1 year.

I will probably focus on knitting more than anything else. I am a knitter of moderate skill and I have a healthy addiction to Ravelry.com. Currently I am working on my Ravelympics project, the Owls sweater by Kate Davies. Which, might I add, is my FIRST SWEATER! Hmm, I wonder if I can link... Owls! That is a picture of the designers version. Mine is a bit more green and will have 2 eyes rather than LOTS of eyes. I also just realized that the Olympics end on Sunday...meaning I have till Sunday to finish the second sleeve and the yolk of the sweater. A photo will follow the completion of the project.

For those unfamiliar with the Ravelympics- the goal is to finish a project (any project really) during the Olympic games. Traditionally you cast on during the opening ceremony, work while you watch the games, and finish the project before (or during) the closing ceremony. In all honesty I have only watched curling, finished the body of the sweater in the first 3 days, and am now being less than productive on the sleeves. But I have faith I can finish! I think!

So here is the to do list for the week:
Finish exhibit script draft and objects list
Finish class project- A itemized description of the archive assigned to me for class (mostly finished)
Finish Ravelympics project

Looks like a busy weekend...